Email Notifications
Automatic digital notification of shipment arrival.
With our email notification service, you can use all the possibilities of integrating customer data into your shipments. When submitting shipment information, your recipients automatically receive a digital notification and can thus respond to delivery attempts even outside our business hours.
This service can be selected exclusively electronically, where at the time of preparing the shipment for sending, the recipient receives an automatic digital Aviso-information as an email from us, together with important information about shipping and delivery. After the message is delivered, along with the possibility of modification and updating, you as the sender will be automatically informed on the same day.
- Electronically customizable service down to shipment level
- Maximum customer integration and networking
- Digitally supported processing and information automation
- Ensuring delivery probability
- Lower tariff
Through the Email Notifications service, Express One provides you with the most advanced technical solutions in the Bosnia and Herzegovina market. For more information, call Express One customer center at 1311 and find out why we are the #1 express delivery service in BiH.